239 Merch
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And for all your trout and freshwater needs, check out our second location (and website) 828 Flies in the charming little mountain town of Seven Devils North Carolina.
Don't take our word for it
Our Favorite Seasonal 12wt Flavors
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Spring 24 Howler Bros Has Arrived
View allNew Vises For Your Vices
Need another vice in your life? Cancel your cable bill and sit down in front of a new Renzetti or Dina King fly tying vise.
Fly Tying Materials & Videos
We offer a full spread of fly tying diy kits that contain all the groceries you need to make dinner. Most of our diy kits also have a step by step video.
Shop a wide variety of styles from our favorite fishing brands like Costa, Smith, Breakline and RCI. We carry the lenses and frames that best help you cut the glare and see the difference between a log and the fish of a lifetime.